All I did was suggest that we might try skipping presents this Christmas.
This is how my friend Larry responded:
Dr. Seuss
I feel it’s only fair to mention I’ve taken the advice of the economic experts and begun the holiday shopping for this year, in order to take advantage of the many early bargains available…
For you, the choice was clear the moment I laid eyes on it. In fact it would be perfect for your house, too. In an obscure gift catalog I receive once every two years or so, there it was — a complete flea circus in a splendid large diorama, four feet in diameter! Encased in a circular, sealed glass display, it has all four seasons depicted with the most expected activities of each season. Exquisite, down to the tiny woolen snow hats and miniature skates of winter to the little creatures diving into a sunny Summer’s lake, zipping around on the surface on mini-scaled sailboats!
I did my research on this treasure, it’s none of the “Humbug” type, but real fleas performing as only their species can. There is the challenge of feeding them, of course, but even after they expire, which must happen at last, the music continues to play automatically 24 hours per day. I insured that the display was properly and permanently sealed, as the very most unsatisfactory quality of the flea circus is that the little beggars were to escape through a defect in the housing, “going forth and multiplying” as it were. It will fit perfectly on the low table in your living room.